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JavaScript Server


The @turnkey/sdk-server package exposes functionality that lets developers build server-side functionality for applications that interact with the Turnkey API. It exposes a ready-made API client class which manages the process of constructing requests to the Turnkey API and authenticating them with a valid API key. Furthermore, it exposes API proxies that forward requests from your application's client that need to be signed by parent organizations API key.

Use the @turnkey/sdk-server package to handle server-side interactions for applications that interact with the Turnkey API.


npm install @turnkey/sdk-server


import { Turnkey } from "@turnkey/sdk-server";

const turnkey = new Turnkey({
defaultOrganizationId: process.env.TURNKEY_ORGANIZATION_ID,
apiBaseUrl: "",
apiPrivateKey: process.env.TURNKEY_API_PRIVATE_KEY,
apiPublicKey: process.env.TURNKEY_API_PUBLIC_KEY,


An object containing configuration settings for the Server Client.


The root organization that requests will be made from unless otherwise specified


The base URL that API requests will be sent to (use when making requests to Turnkey's API)


The API Private Key to sign requests with (this will normally be the API Private Key to your root organization)


The API Public Key associated with the configured API Private Key above

Creating Clients

Calls to Turnkey's API must be signed with a valid credential (often referred to in the docs as stamping) from the user initiating the API call. When using the Server SDK, the user initiating the API call is normally your root organization, and the API call is authenticated with the API keypair you create on the Turnkey dashboard.


The apiClient method returns an instance of the TurnkeyApiClient which will sign requests with the injected apiPrivateKey, and apiPublicKey credentials.

const apiClient = turnkey.apiClient();
const walletsResponse = await apiClient.getWallets();

// this will sign the request with the configured api credentials

Creating API Proxies

There are certain actions that are initiated by users, but require the activity to be signed by the root organization itself. Examples of this include the initial creation of the user subOrganization or sending an email to a user with a login credential as part of an emailAuth flow.

These can be implemented in your backend by creating an apiClient and handling requests from your browser application at different routes, but we have also provided a convenience method for doing this by having allowing a single apiProxy to handle requests at a single route and automatically sign specific user actions with the root organization's credentials.


The expressProxyHandler() method creates a proxy handler designed as a middleware for Express applications. It provides an API endpoint that forwards requests to the Turnkey API server.

const turnkeyProxyHandler = turnkey.expressProxyHandler({
allowedMethods: [
});"/apiProxy", turnkeyProxyHandler);

// this will sign requests made with the client-side `serverSign` function with the root organization's API key for the allowedMethods in the config

2. nextProxyHandler() [WIP]

The nextProxyHandler() method creates a proxy handler designed as a middleware for Next.js applications. It provides an API endpoint that forwards requests to the Turnkey API server.

// Configure the Next.js handler with allowed methods
const turnkeyProxyHandler = turnkey.nextProxyHandler({
allowedMethods: [

export default turnkeyProxyHandler;

// this will sign requests made with the client-side `serverSign` function with the root organization's API key for the allowedMethods in the config