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Signing Transactions

This is a guide to signing transactions in the browser context. While these snippets leverage Ethers, it can be swapped out for other signers in the Viem or Solana contexts. See here for an example with both Ethers and Viem in the passkey + browser context, and here for a similar example with Solana.

Steps using @turnkey/sdk-react

This process is made the most seamless by leveraging our React package. Read on for a non-React implementation.

1. Initialize the React Provider

import { TurnkeyProvider } from "@turnkey/sdk-react";
const turnkeyConfig = {
apiBaseUrl: "",
defaultOrganizationId: process.env.TURNKEY_ORGANIZATION_ID, // prefix with NEXT_PUBLIC for NextJS
rpId: process.env.RPID, // your application's domain
iframeUrl: ""


<div className="App">
<TurnkeyProvider config={turnkeyConfig}>
// Rest of app ...

2. Initialize an Ethers Provider and Turnkey Signer using the Passkey Client

import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { TurnkeySigner } from "@turnkey/ethers";

import { useTurnkey } from "@turnkey/sdk-react";
const { turnkey, passkeyClient } = useTurnkey();

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(<provider api url>);
const currentUser = await turnkey.getCurrentUser();
const turnkeySigner = new TurnkeySigner({
client: passkeyClient,
organizationId: currentUser.organization.organizationId,
signWith: "<wallet address to sign with>"
const connectedSigner = turnkeySigner.connect(provider);

3. Call sendTransaction with the Turnkey Signer

const transactionRequest = {
to: "<destination address>",
value: ethers.parseEther("<amount to send>"),
type: 2,
const sendTransaction =
await connectedSigner.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);

Alternative Steps (non-React)

1. Initialize the Passkey Client

import { Turnkey } from "@turnkey/sdk-browser";

const turnkey = new Turnkey({
apiBaseUrl: "",
defaultOrganizationId: process.env.TURNKEY_ORGANIZATION_ID,
const passkeyClient = turnkey.passkeyClient();

2. Initialize an Ethers Provider and Turnkey Signer

import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { TurnkeySigner } from "@turnkey/ethers";

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(<provider api url>);
const currentUser = await turnkey.getCurrentUser(); // assumes user details have been stored in LocalStorage via `login()`
const turnkeySigner = new TurnkeySigner({
client: passkeyClient,
organizationId: currentUser.organization.organizationId,
signWith: "<wallet address to sign with>"
const connectedSigner = turnkeySigner.connect(provider);

3. Call sendTransaction with the Turnkey Signer

const transactionRequest = {
to: "<destination address>",
value: ethers.parseEther("<amount to send>"),
type: 2,
const sendTransaction =
await connectedSigner.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);