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Every request made to Turnkey must include a signature over the POST body attached as a HTTP header. Our secure enclave applications use this signature to verify the integrity and authenticity of the request.

API Keys

To create a valid, API key stamped request follow these steps:

  1. Sign the JSON-encoded POST body with your API key to produce a signature (DER-encoded)
  2. Hex encode the signature
  3. Create a JSON-encoded stamp:
    • publicKey: the public key of API key
    • signature: the signature produced by the API key
    • scheme: SIGNATURE_SCHEME_TK_API_P256
  4. Base64URL encode the stamp
  5. Attach the encoded string to your request as a X-Stamp header
  6. Submit the stamped request to Turnkey's API


To create a valid, Webauthn authenticator stamped request follow these steps:

  1. Compute the webauthn challenge by hashing the POST body bytes (JSON encoded) with SHA256. For example, if the POST body is {"organization_id": "1234", "type": "ACTIVITY_TYPE_CREATE_API_KEYS", "params": {"for": "example"}, the webauthn challenge is the string 7e8b4653fc7e51dc119cea031942f4693b4742ceca4dda269b925802b38b2147
  2. Include the challenge amongst WebAuthn signing options. Refer to the existing stamper implementations in the following section) for examples
  • Note that if you need to pass the challenge as bytes, you'll need to utf8-encode the challenge string (in JS, the challenge bytes will be TextEncoder().encode("7e8b4653fc7e51dc119cea031942f4693b4742ceca4dda269b925802b38b2147"))
  • Additional note for React Native contexts: the resulting string should then additionally be base64-encoded. See implementation
  1. Create a JSON-encoded stamp:
    • credentialId: the id of the webauthn authenticator
    • authenticatorData: the authenticator data produced by Webauthn assertion
    • clientDataJson: the client data produced by the Webauthn assertion
    • signature: the signature produced by the Webauthn assertion
  2. Attach the JSON-encoded stamp to your request as a X-Stamp-Webauthn header
    • Header names are case-insensitive (so X-Stamp-Webauthn and X-Stamp-WebAuthn are considered equivalent)
    • Unlike API key stamps, the format is just JSON; no base64URL encoding necessary! For example: X-Stamp-Webauthn: {"authenticatorData":"UaQZ...","clientDataJson":"eyJ0...","credentialId":"Grf...","signature":"MEQ..."}
  3. Submit the stamped request to Turnkey's API. If you would like your client request to be proxied through a backend, refer to the patterns mentioned here. An example application that uses this pattern can be found at (code here)


Our JS SDK and CLI abstract request stamping for you. If you choose to use an independent client, you will need to implement this yourself. For reference, check out our implementations:

Our CLI has a --no-post option to generate stamps without sending anything over the network. This is a useful tool should you have trouble with debugging stamping-related logic. A sample command might look something like:

turnkey request --no-post --host --path /api/v1/sign --body '{"payload": "hello from TKHQ"}'
"message": "{\"payload\": \"hello from TKHQ\"}",